all the stress i’ve felt because of it should hopefully start to go away. now that school is out of my life i can work on bettering myself since i have time! there’s a lot i’ve been wanting to do for the longest time ever that i can now finally start working on. some of it’s gonna take a while since i’ll need to have some form of income before i can start (e.g. almost anything regarding hardware mods, especially ones that require soldering) but the less costly things like improving my programming ability can be done. might try to learn some form of C. i’d love to become a homebrew dev, and i have a slight feeling that javascript isn’t really gonna help me with becoming that. also either way i’ve really got to stop with my laziness so doing something like that sounds like a fun way to stop it. i wanna be more productive now.
been looking for github alternatives
i don’t really like microsoft that much believe it or not. i used to think they were cool as fuck, u know back when windows 7 was a thing, but not so much now. honestly i’ve had an okay experience with windows 10 most of the time, now that it’s been almost a decade since it’s launch failure, but there’s always been things about it that have kept me interested in the idea of staying far away from it these days. and now that windows 11 is a thing, that’s only interested me in staying away even more. i really don’t get what they’re trying to do now. ‘new, modern UIs’ that don’t make anything easier whatsoever, AI shoved into every corner of the OS, more bloat to make the thing even slower (apparently even on 1600 USD Intel Core i9 CPUs, if twitter is to be believed). all i want is a usable operating system, and i’m sure that’s all a lot of others want too.
but i’m getting beside the point. or am i? i mean they’re starting to shove all this crap down into the throat of github and everything else they touch too, hence why i’m even writing this now. all i wanna do is code in peace man, i really don’t care for github copilot or windows copilot or bing copilot or any copilot. i just want to be my own user. i have no need for any of this and it seems as if a lot of others don’t too. so as a result, i’ve been looking into alternatives to github. and i think i’ve finally found one that i like:
the first impressions are pretty damn good, hosted by a nonprofit outside the US, claims no tracking and when you load into it the first thing you see isn’t this:

instead, what you see is this:

loads better in my opinion. not only does the page just look nicer to me, the contents of it are more about how they care about your data and not about how all they want to do is steal your data. how kind of them.
few days later (and a few months after originally making my account), i start using it. it is indeed safe to say that i love it. looks nice, runs nice, UI just works and it’s taught me how to use git too, so i can ditch even more microsoft software! next up, vs code. anyone know any good alternative IDEs?
it’s been a while
hello to the -1 people who visit this site, i’m sorry for my lack of posts. i have a couple things in my drafts that i’m just finishing but in the meantime i really want to write something that you’ll see today so here that something is.
as of now it’s 10:44 pm. i’m just about to go to bed now that my sleep schedule is a lot better, (barely) ready for another day at school. thankfully i only have 2 lessons at most a day, unfortunately being in school these days is stressful as fuck. it’s gotten a lot better over the (almost) 2 years i’ve been in post-16 education, partly thanks to being able to drop out of one of my courses, and a very big part due to me being able to find ways to calm down my constant stress. i can’t wait for this school crap to all be over, surprisingly enough i’m actually really interested in going into the world of work. i have been since i was around 13 so the fact that i’ll be able to start looking for jobs soon is exciting to me.
but before that happens i have to keep on worrying about school. exams start in just under a week, they don’t end till late June. and i don’t even know why i’m worrying about them because it doesn’t really matter if i pass or fail. but here i am. worrying about them. i wish i could just be freed of this hell so that i can focus on bettering myself without the stress of being at school always lingering, ready to nearly throw me into another panic attack out of nowhere again.
but oh well. that’s where i’ve been. school is almost finished once and for all though! (there’s no way in hell i’m going to uni after this shit.) i’ll continue being as active as my mind will let me be as i’ve figured out that writing here is a really enjoyable thing. it also helps me put my mind off the things that have been torturing me mentally for the past year now.
as of now it’s 11:08 pm. i’m going to bed now. all my lessons are in the morning so i’ll probably be home by 1 pm at the latest. gives me some time to do the things in my life that don’t cause me to panic out of nowhere.
if you’re not a bot and you’ve read this far, thank you.
good night, see you tomorrow :D
i bought a new hard drive.
so a few months ago i was wanting to set my Wii U up again. i put my SSD into my SATA to USB drive enclosure and plug it into the system. formatting goes well, and soon enough i’m installing some smaller games. then i decide to add Xenoblade X to the queue. it starts downloading really slowly, i think nothing of it cause in general the Wii U’s internet is pretty shit. a while later, i get a black screen with an error.
There is a problem with the USB storage device.
i reboot, the drive and the games on it no longer show up on my Wii U menu.
attempting to format from System Settings makes the system tell me it’s convinced there’s no drive connected.
i try putting the drive into my laptop, the laptop can no longer complete its POST.
as soon as i disconnect the drive and reboot, it POSTs normally and tries looking for a way to boot an OS.
oh well, the drive was only 128GB anyway. i should have listened to the people warning others not to use solid state media on a Wii U to store games.
so i leave the Wii U alone for a while cause i have no money and don’t want to install games onto the MLC (i have a 2012 system with a Hynix MLC). a while later, i get some money back that i let someone close to me borrow. i use it to (amongst other things) buy a 500GB WD Black mechanical laptop hard drive with a USB Y cable to properly power it from the system. said Y cable turns up really quickly, the hard drive however took a bit longer to arrive. when it did finally arrive though, i was impressed with the packaging. it was packed really well (which really it should have been because it was a mechanical drive but for the £8 i paid for it i honestly expected worse).
first things first, i put the drive into my laptop and boot from a USB that had on it a copy of ShredOS. that took about 6 hours but now i can rest easy knowing that whatever was previously on that thing was very likely gone now. next, it came out of my laptop and into the drive enclosure. that got connected to my Wii U and i started the format. i installed all my game backups on it, that went well. i go onto the eShop to try and redownload my copy of Xenoblade X. it’s not there. i suppose that’s what i get for buying a grey market key on eBay. time to buy a physical copy!
we’re back…
…on wordpress. i know i said earlier that i was planning on making something custom but honestly my motivation just decided to nope the fuck out, and i like this theme too much haha. the good side to this though is that i can continue posting here as normal. (on a nice new domain too!)
hi, thanks for visiting my website. i’ll use this area to post random crap about my life as well as random crap that i buy over time. i hope you stick around to read it all, i don’t blame you if you dont.
(archive from 2024-03-08)