i’ve been thinking a lot.

not about anything bad, quite the opposite actually. so why dont i talk about what i’ve been thinking about here. as i predicted back in june the stress i had been experiencing back then has got significantly better, to the point that i’ve finally been able to enjoy going back out, walking, shopping, all those things i used to do before school fucked me up. over christmas and the new year i had a great time, spent loads of time with friends and family, ate a good bit, done all those things you do with people over that time. i hope you had an enjoyable time over the holidays too. i’ve been sleeping quite well as well, finally got back into a sleeping routine and now it feels like a day lasts both 8 years and 8 seconds at the same time. a lot more time to spend in the day since i’m getting up earlier but as i’ve learned the hard way time really does go by quickly as you age.

now let’s talk about the future. the very near future i mean. like next month. now that the holidays are basically over, it would make sense to start exercising properly again. i should get back into a routine really, before i decide to retreat to my chair yet again. i’ve got high hopes i won’t though, turns out listening to music while you exercise sure makes it go by quickly. and now that the cooker’s fixed i can eat a bit more properly again so that’ll be nice, believe it or not i enjoy eating healthily and microwave meals aren’t exactly appetising after the third week of them. regarding vrchat avatars absolutely no progress has been made, regarding actually playing vrchat, well turns out my index controllers had faulty finger tracking from the factory. first couple weeks in i just didnt care cause i wanted to actually use the things but now i’ve sent the broken controller back and am waiting on a replacement. its been two weeks please help.

well, that’s what my january thoughts have been like. why dont you share yours with me? my discord, steam and bluesky are linked on the website’s footer, or if you’d like to use a service that gives you a bit more freedom of choice my email is lana at woomy dot sh. i’d love to hear what you have to say! :D