hello again. in all honesty i haven’t been all too motivated over the past couple months to write anything, if you couldn’t tell. therefore i’ve decided to make another monthly update post as opposed to a more ‘proper’ writeup of something i’ve got over that time. said writeups will return soon however, as i’m beginning to get more motivated.
so regarding the vr hardware i promised to talk about last month: i bought index controllers like 5 years late!!! believe it or not, they’re considerably better than wands. before i got them i loved the wands and their massive trackpad, thought it would have been easier to use than sticks, didn’t really understand the point of the extra buttons either. i now understand. only issues i’ve really had with them is that the right ring finger will not track at all, no matter how much i drum on the controllers and the right controller’s tracking is a bit dodgy too.
and regarding vrchat yet again: more avatar work. bought rusk and some extra outfits for it, i’ve been setting that up. blade nia is now being worked on. the xenoblade avatars i briefly talked about last month are closer to being done.
thanks for reading, happy new year! :D