i’ve been thinking a lot.

not about anything bad, quite the opposite actually. so why dont i talk about what i’ve been thinking about here. as i predicted back in june the stress i had been experiencing back then has got significantly better, to the point that i’ve finally been able to enjoy going back out, walking, shopping, all those things i used to do before school fucked me up. over christmas and the new year i had a great time, spent loads of time with friends and family, ate a good bit, done all those things you do with people over that time. i hope you had an enjoyable time over the holidays too. i’ve been sleeping quite well as well, finally got back into a sleeping routine and now it feels like a day lasts both 8 years and 8 seconds at the same time. a lot more time to spend in the day since i’m getting up earlier but as i’ve learned the hard way time really does go by quickly as you age.

now let’s talk about the future. the very near future i mean. like next month. now that the holidays are basically over, it would make sense to start exercising properly again. i should get back into a routine really, before i decide to retreat to my chair yet again. i’ve got high hopes i won’t though, turns out listening to music while you exercise sure makes it go by quickly. and now that the cooker’s fixed i can eat a bit more properly again so that’ll be nice, believe it or not i enjoy eating healthily and microwave meals aren’t exactly appetising after the third week of them. regarding vrchat avatars absolutely no progress has been made, regarding actually playing vrchat, well turns out my index controllers had faulty finger tracking from the factory. first couple weeks in i just didnt care cause i wanted to actually use the things but now i’ve sent the broken controller back and am waiting on a replacement. its been two weeks please help.

well, that’s what my january thoughts have been like. why dont you share yours with me? my discord, steam and bluesky are linked on the website’s footer, or if you’d like to use a service that gives you a bit more freedom of choice my email is lana at woomy dot sh. i’d love to hear what you have to say! :D

an update for december

hello again. in all honesty i haven’t been all too motivated over the past couple months to write anything, if you couldn’t tell. therefore i’ve decided to make another monthly update post as opposed to a more ‘proper’ writeup of something i’ve got over that time. said writeups will return soon however, as i’m beginning to get more motivated.

so regarding the vr hardware i promised to talk about last month: i bought index controllers like 5 years late!!! believe it or not, they’re considerably better than wands. before i got them i loved the wands and their massive trackpad, thought it would have been easier to use than sticks, didn’t really understand the point of the extra buttons either. i now understand. only issues i’ve really had with them is that the right ring finger will not track at all, no matter how much i drum on the controllers and the right controller’s tracking is a bit dodgy too.

and regarding vrchat yet again: more avatar work. bought rusk and some extra outfits for it, i’ve been setting that up. blade nia is now being worked on. the xenoblade avatars i briefly talked about last month are closer to being done.

thanks for reading, happy new year! :D

an update for november

this month i haven’t had any new things turning up for me to talk about so i just thought i’d talk about this month as a whole for me instead and a few things i’ve been doing.

so i got back into vr. quite a bit. on the vrchat side i’ve been doing more avatar work, figured out how to make metallic parts of a model actually metallic, started work on a Pyra avatar as well, i’ll probably have all my public avatars actually public soon which will be nice cause as far as i can see xenoblade 2 avatars aren’t really a thing on quest, much less ones that are rated a higher performance rank. the models on my quest versions did unfortunately have to be decimated a bit but doing that means that they’re currently rated Good. regarding actually gaming in vr i got back into beat saber a bit, streamed it for around 10 days and i’ll probably start streaming it again soon cause i found that it is a really fun way to play through the game, not giving a damn about rank and instead just focusing on random shit nobody’s ever heard of. and i’ve got some new vr hardware on the way that i’ll save for december’s post.

working on a new Octoling

since the 3rd of October 2019, i’ve been working on a Discord bot called Octoling. it’s been really fun, hence why i’m still working on it every now and then almost five years later. so far the bot has a nice set of features but lacks many modern features such as / commands and the ability to add commands to your user profile to use wherever. to solve this, i have begun building a new version of the bot with the idea of keeping the code as futureproof as possible as the main focus. i’ll likely make posts here about the progress of this new code as i work on it.

finally out of school

all the stress i’ve felt because of it should hopefully start to go away. now that school is out of my life i can work on bettering myself since i have time! there’s a lot i’ve been wanting to do for the longest time ever that i can now finally start working on. some of it’s gonna take a while since i’ll need to have some form of income before i can start (e.g. almost anything regarding hardware mods, especially ones that require soldering) but the less costly things like improving my programming ability can be done. might try to learn some form of C. i’d love to become a homebrew dev, and i have a slight feeling that javascript isn’t really gonna help me with becoming that. also either way i’ve really got to stop with my laziness so doing something like that sounds like a fun way to stop it. i wanna be more productive now.

it’s been a while

hello to the -1 people who visit this site, i’m sorry for my lack of posts. i have a couple things in my drafts that i’m just finishing but in the meantime i really want to write something that you’ll see today so here that something is.

as of now it’s 10:44 pm. i’m just about to go to bed now that my sleep schedule is a lot better, (barely) ready for another day at school. thankfully i only have 2 lessons at most a day, unfortunately being in school these days is stressful as fuck. it’s gotten a lot better over the (almost) 2 years i’ve been in post-16 education, partly thanks to being able to drop out of one of my courses, and a very big part due to me being able to find ways to calm down my constant stress. i can’t wait for this school crap to all be over, surprisingly enough i’m actually really interested in going into the world of work. i have been since i was around 13 so the fact that i’ll be able to start looking for jobs soon is exciting to me.

but before that happens i have to keep on worrying about school. exams start in just under a week, they don’t end till late June. and i don’t even know why i’m worrying about them because it doesn’t really matter if i pass or fail. but here i am. worrying about them. i wish i could just be freed of this hell so that i can focus on bettering myself without the stress of being at school always lingering, ready to nearly throw me into another panic attack out of nowhere again.

but oh well. that’s where i’ve been. school is almost finished once and for all though! (there’s no way in hell i’m going to uni after this shit.) i’ll continue being as active as my mind will let me be as i’ve figured out that writing here is a really enjoyable thing. it also helps me put my mind off the things that have been torturing me mentally for the past year now.

as of now it’s 11:08 pm. i’m going to bed now. all my lessons are in the morning so i’ll probably be home by 1 pm at the latest. gives me some time to do the things in my life that don’t cause me to panic out of nowhere.

if you’re not a bot and you’ve read this far, thank you.

good night, see you tomorrow :D