an update for november

this month i haven’t had any new things turning up for me to talk about so i just thought i’d talk about this month as a whole for me instead and a few things i’ve been doing.

so i got back into vr. quite a bit. on the vrchat side i’ve been doing more avatar work, figured out how to make metallic parts of a model actually metallic, started work on a Pyra avatar as well, i’ll probably have all my public avatars actually public soon which will be nice cause as far as i can see xenoblade 2 avatars aren’t really a thing on quest, much less ones that are rated a higher performance rank. the models on my quest versions did unfortunately have to be decimated a bit but doing that means that they’re currently rated Good. regarding actually gaming in vr i got back into beat saber a bit, streamed it for around 10 days and i’ll probably start streaming it again soon cause i found that it is a really fun way to play through the game, not giving a damn about rank and instead just focusing on random shit nobody’s ever heard of. and i’ve got some new vr hardware on the way that i’ll save for december’s post.